The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) provides services that support frail, older people to stay living in the community to maximise their independence.
Referrals for the CHSP can be made by individuals needing assistance, their families, friends, doctors and other community service providers.
From 1 July 2015, people seeking access to aged care services for the first time will need to contact the My Aged Care contact centre on www.myagedcare.gov.au or 1800 200 422 to discuss their aged care needs and have a client record created.
New clients (and exisiting clients seeking new service types) should not access Commonwealth Home Support Programme services directly by approaching a service provider.
New clients must be registered, screened, and/or assessed by My Aged Care to determine eligibility prior to accessing CHSP.
Service providers can assist clients with the My Aged Care registration process.
Eligibility to use CHSP services
A person in the CHSP target population is eligible to be assessed and prioritised for services.
To be eligible for CHSP services an older person must:
- be 65 years and over,
- live in the community,
- have difficulty performing activities of daily living without help due to functional limitations, and
- be at risk of admission to long term residential care without assistance from CHSP services.
Further information
If you would like further information about CHSP services and funding, please refer to the Department of Health website (https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/commonwealth-home-support-programme-chsp).